Page 22
July 3, 2018
It's still 11:30 PM here in Chicago so this still counts as Tuesday ;).

An important note: There will be no update next Tuesday (7/10). . I'm focusing all my art effort this week on prepping for Anime Midwest. Con prep was the reason for all the delayed updates the past couple of weeks and I'm done overestimating the amount of work I can actually accomplish.

I will be at booth J6 at Anime Midwest in Chicago this weekend. I'll have post card and full size prints of Black Shallows stuff and other fandoms. It's my first convention and I've kind of been a nervous (but excited) mess about it all week.

I ordered a bunch of business cards that advertise the comic and I am ready to hand them out to any living being that gets near my table LOL.

See you next next Tuesday! T minus 3 pages till end of chapter \o/